Bitter Lake Community Center Pancake Breakfast


Join us at Bitter Lake Community Center on Sunday, February 23, 2025, for our annual Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser!

Enjoy a delicious breakfast while supporting our programs and scholarship fund!  Featuring free disaster preparedness skills fair.

All you can eat pancakes! Other breakfast food and drinks will be provided. Gluten free and vegan options will be available.

$6 per person.

Register here.

Donate here.

Questions? 206-684-7524

Open house for the N 130th Bitter Lake to Haller Lake Project

SDOT is in the early design phase for the N 130th Bitter Lake to Haller Lake Project. They are hosting a drop-in session where you can learn more and share feedback:

  • WHEN: Tuesday, February 4 from 4 – 7 PM
  • WHERE: Bitter Lake Community Center (13035 Linden Ave N)

You can also take a survey.

According to SDOT the improvements are designed to create connections to the future Pinehurst light rail station at 130th, scheduled to open in 2026, and improve safety and bus reliability.

Potential road configurations are shown on the project webpage. Project elements include road paving to support increased bus service, a new street design with a center turn lane and one vehicle lane in each direction in most areas, new crossings, upgraded and relocated bus stops, protected bike lanes, improved sidewalks with curbs and accessible curb ramps, planting strips with street trees, and drainage and stormwater improvements.

You can also give your feedback or ask questions about the project by email at


NE 130th & 125th St project

The NE 130th & 125th St project has reached final design, supporting connections to future light rail. Sound Transit (SDOT) is opening the NE 130th St light rail station in 2026 and Seattle Department of Transportation is making sure that people can get there safely and comfortably.

To support the 90% of light rail riders expected to get to the new station by walking, biking, rolling, or taking transit, SDOT designed a set of improvements that include improved crossings, a new street design, traffic calming, curb-protected bike lanes, transit upgrades, and more.

Learn what is involved and how it may affect you.

Projects planned in North Seattle to improve access to the future NE 130th St light rail station which opens in 2026.

Bitter Lake Reservoir and Park Improvement Projects Update 10/25/24

What’s next for the project?

Through our community engagement efforts, we understand that maintaining a safe and secure reservoir site is important to you. Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) crews will be working at Linden Ave N between N138th St and N143rd St next week to prune the vegetation and remove some red osier dogwood to create better sightlines for pedestrians. This work will not impact the drainage function of the swales at this location. The initial trimming work will take about 1 week to complete, and the trimmings will be removed within 2 weeks of the work.  

One Seattle 

The Bitter Lake Reservoir site is a 13-acre property that contains a 21-million-gallon reservoir, a playground, a P-Patch community garden, and about 4 acres of open space. SPU is replacing the existing reservoir with a new, partially buried reservoir that will protect drinking water and preserve water service for years to come. This will open up more space for SPR and ARTS to expand and add to the existing park with new amenities and public art for the community to enjoy. 

SPU, SPR, ARTS, and DON are working together to make the Bitter Lake Reservoir site a favorite destination in the neighborhood! The new site design will feature: 

  • A new reservoir that improves water security, stormwater systems, and community gathering spaces 
  • More open public space, with new park features for the community to enjoy 
  • Permanent public art that represents and enriches the community 

Questions about the projects? We want to hear from you! 

Reservoir Project Andrew Karch | | (206) 684-4643  

Park Project Kevin Bergsrud | (206) 684-5831  

Public Art Rebecca Johnson Rende | (206) 755-5220  

P-Patch Garden Alicia Choi | (206) 376-2539   

Have a neighbor who might like to receive updates? Please forward them this message and encourage them to sign up for project email updates. 

Visit the project website 

Learn how to support Broadview after a disaster


Learn how to support Broadview after a catastrophic disastrous event while we wait for help to arrive.

Tuesday November 12th

6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

Bitter Lake Community Center

13035 Linden Avenue N

All are welcome!

New and returning Hub* volunteers

*Emergency Hubs are places where people will gather and receive, or give, help after a disaster. Neighbors exchange information and resources and help solve problems.



Want more info? Contact

Or visit



Broadview Historical Society Meeting Nov. 14th 1:30 pm

Please join “Almost Antiques” and

the “Broadview to Lake City Historical Society”

for a group celebration of the Holiday Season

for our November 14th meeting, 1:30 – 3:30 pm

at the Broadview Library

12755 Greenwood Ave. N. Seattle.

Please bring a special item that is a

reminder of childhood holiday celebrations

and share why this item

holds special memories for you!


It’s Salmon Season at Carkeek Park!

Chum salmon are on the move! See these majestic and iconic fish up close and personal at one of Seattle’s most biodiverse parks, Carkeek Park.

Come see the Salmon returning to Pipers Creek and learn from a volunteer Salmon Steward. Salmon Stewards is a partnership between Seattle Parks and Recreation and Seattle Public Utilities with support from the Carkeek Watershed Community Action Project. Salmon Steward Volunteers are at Carkeek Park to answer your questions and show you around every Saturday and Sunday from November 2 until Dec 1st 11am – 2pm. 

And don’t miss Salmon Celebration at Carkeek Park on Saturday, Nov 23rd 11am-2pm. Organizations will host educational booths, free arts and crafts, music, games, a scavenger hunt, and more! Take a picture with Bert the Salmon, see a dance performance, and take part in lots of fun Salmon viewing.



Follow us on Facebook to learn more about our programs SPR Environmental Education | Seattle WA | Facebook

Broadview-Bitter Lake Community Council Meeting

Beat the Winter Doldrums


Join neighbors in Broadview and Bitter Lake for a free community meeting on how to survive and thrive this Seattle Winter!

            When: Thursday, November 14, 7:00 to 8:30 pm 

                         doors open at 6:45 pm for setup 

            Where: Bitter Lake Community Center 

                         13035 Linden Ave N., Seattle, WA 98133

We will warm you up with a program of smart, thoughtful speakers!

STAY WARM: Scott Cooper – Customer Energy Solutions, Seattle City Light

Learn about the best choices for saving energy while keeping your home comfy all winter.  Scott Cooper will also tell us about City Light incentives for updating our energy efficiency.

STAY HEALTHY: Daphne Pie – Access and Outreach, Seattle-King County Dept. of Health

Keep your family healthy through the coming winter season. Hear the latest public health recommendations, including the latest about Covid, Flu and other common winter ailments.

STAY CONNECTEDLauren Graham – Associate Teaching Professor in Psychology, UW

Lauren Graham is a Broadview resident who teaches on the importance of creating strong social connections, and strategies to reduce the stress from social isolation; all helpful to thrive this winter season! In addition, we’ll learn about local club and recreation opportunities. 

We hope to see you all soon!


Broadview-Bitter Lake Community Council

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Our NEW Email: