My name is Kevin Morgan and saw your poster for your sustainability/community meeting tonight while driving up 3rd Ave. this morning. Michael Harthorne of the Ballard News Tribune has written an article about a Sounder train stop down at Shilshole Bay Marina/Golden Gardens. I believe the article can still archived online or if interested I have a hard copy. Since Broadview is the next neighborhood over from mine I thought that residents there would benefit from a commuter train stop too. The broad strokes are these: Put it on level ground down there(no big excavation projects-minimal environmental impact), no new parking lots-it is for bus, bike and pedestrian people, the track is already there(and a switch so that freight can go by), put a red light/green light, ticket puncher, bus size shelter and your done…most economical transit plan ever.
I currently have about 100 signatures of support from my posters thatI have been hanging up around town. Would I be able to bring some of my supporter sign up sheets to your meeting tonight? I am trying to get as many as I can before I meet Mary Lou Dickerson for the first time Thursday evening. Thanks for your time and look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Kevin