Seattle Police North Precinct Holiday Sock Drive

Dale Johnson Broadview Community Council President donates 100 pairs of socks to Community Police Team Officer David Gordon
Community Police Team Officers are once again sponsoring a Sock, Hat and Glove Drive to benefit Solid Ground family shelters. Last year over 2000 pairs of socks were donated and the goal this year has been raised to 6000 pairs! Over 200 pairs of socks were donated from the Broadview Community Council and Luther Memorial Church Teen group on November 16th. New socks, warm hats and gloves can be donated until December 1st at the North Precinct:
10049 College Way N.
Seattle WA 98133
206 684 0850
You can also contact Sgt. Diane Newsom at 684 0794 to donate socks, hats and gloves. The final sock tally will be held during the December 1st North Precinct Advisory Council meeting 7 PM at North Seattle Community College.
9600 College Way North
Seattle, Washington 98103
(206) 527-3600
The guest speaker will be Gregory M. Dean, Chief Seattle Fire Dept. refreshments will be served and the event is open to the public and held near the cafeteria on campus.
We hope to see you there with a few pairs of socks and or warm hats and gloves.