Broadview Real Estate Market
- This map shows the Broadview neighborhood boundaries as defined by the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods. I used these ‘defined’ boundaries as search criteria when analyzing Broadview’s real estate market and trends.
*click on picture to view larger
- This chart shows the median price for a home by the month and the average price for the year.
- Town homes and condominium sales were NOT included in this chart.
Seattle real estate market is similar to Puget Sound’s micro-climates: it could be raining in one neighborhood and sunny in another. Truthfully, do you want to know what’s happening in other states and cities or do you want to know about Broadview? House data is often presented at a national level but there is no such thing as a national housing market. A national aggregate of housing production and sales can be added up and given a role in describing overall national economic trends but that aggregate is meaningless from a neighborhood market point of view. Every home is special and the above chart may not reflect your home price but it’s nice to know your neighborhood’s real estate trends. The question is this: are we heading up or down in value this year? 2010 looked better than 2009. In January and February 2011 there has been a big increase of buyers showing-up at open houses. This generally indicates an upswing in Sales for the following months. I will post our first quarter real estate trends at the end of March.
- This week’s Market Watch for Broadview looks great. The ratio to new listings and pending sales is even.
Susan George is a real estate broker for Coldwell Banker Bain and lives and works in Broadview.
Thanks, this is great information and frankly, more re-assuring than the more generic articles I see in the Seattle Times. I look forward to your March update.