Neighborhood Improvements in Broadview
A big night for our neighborhood! The two most costly neighborhood improvements to be funded through our City government were featured at two locations. Our Broadview Community Council Board members covered both meetings. Several headed for Luther Memorial Church where Seattle Public Utilities project people presented plans, information, and answered questions related to sewage infrastructure improvements that will be installed over the next several years.
At the Bitter Lake Community Center, about 50 neighbors attended the Linden Avenue North Complete Street Project briefing session conducted by Connie Zimmerman, Project Manager. Seattle Department of Transportation staff used large and long, seemed like about 12-foot long, depictions of what our Linden Avenue will look like. Several of these lengthy displays were taped on different tables to maximize individual opportunities for viewing the details of the project.
Connie Zimmerman convened the gathering by introducing all SPU staff members who were working on the project. She talked about some of the special enhancements we can enjoy such as art work, trees, railings, leaf-patterned sidewalks a question-and-answer session. We will be seeing startup activities in the next few weeks beginning with Seattle City Light determining relocations of their equipment and facilities.
Most of the questions from the audience were about parking availability in that it is expected we will have 20-25 percent less parking than we currently have. We were assured that on-street parking will be everywhere they can possibly install it. People asked for garbage cans but we were told there wouldn’t be any in that there isn’t funding to maintain them. Some participants indicated that volunteers could be scheduled to help with waste disposal rather than having no receptacles for waste along the 17 blocks where improvements are scheduled. Additional topics included maintenance of planted areas, specific placement of the Interurban Bicycle Trail, concerns about individuals walking along the bike trail, safety of walkers along adjacent roadways, and
sources of funding for the project.