Broadview Emergency Communication Hubs Being Developed

Following the March Broadview Community Council meeting where disaster preparedness was discussed a working group of neighborhood volunteers in Broadview has formed to improve preparedness for major disasters such as an earthquake.  During the spring and summer the focus of the group was on promoting household and block preparedness.  Several blocks have started organizing response teams at the block level, using Seattle’s SNAP program.

At the August meeting of the work group a sub group was formed to focus on developing one or more emergency communication hubs for our neighborhood.  In the event of a major earthquake that destroyed normal communcation channels volunteers would staff a hub, providing a means of communication among people in our neighborhood and with the city via radio.  Seattle Department of Neighborhoods is focusing its fall 2011 round of Neighborhood Matching Small & Simple Fund grants on funding groups to help community members connect, organize, and plan for emergency situations with their neighbors.  The sub group will apply for one of these Small & Simple grants to pay for supplies needed to set up emergency communication hubs in Broadview.

The Broadview Emergency Preparednes work goup welcomes other volunteers who would like to get involved in preparedness, whether at the block level or supporting emergency communication hubs. In addition to improving our neighborhood’s preparedness, the community match for the Small and Simple grant is volunteer hours spent planning and organizing of the hubs. 

If you would like more information or would like to volunteer contact Carl Leon at

1 Comments on “Broadview Emergency Communication Hubs Being Developed”

  1. So many of the Seattle Communities are jumping on board for SNAP and the HUB concept in the face of a disaster. I would welcome everybody in Broadview to find out all they can about this important concept and support it.