Meet City Council Members at May 15 Broadview Community Council Meeting
Seattle City Council Members Richard Conlin and Sally Bagshaw will speak at the May 15 Broadview Community Council meeting. We have asked them to share their observations on how neighborhoods around the city have been successful in getting projects in their neighborhood plans implemented.
Our neighborhood plan has gone through an update process over the past 18 months. Now the challenge will be how to get the good ideas in the updated plan actually implemented.
Seattle City Council Members Richard Conlin and Sally Bagshaw have a citywide perspective on how neighborhoods get their desired projects done.
Come to the May Broadview Community Council meeting learn more, and network with others in our community who have an interest in
improving some aspect of our neighborhood.
The draft plan neighborhood plan update can be found online at:
BCC meeting will be held at Luther Memorial Church
13047 Greenwood Ave. N
Meet and Greet at 6:30 PM
Meeting starts at 7:00 PM