Final Paving & Striping Scheduled on Linden Avenue North April 22-26

Final paving and striping on Linden Avenue North, between N 130th and N 141st streets, is scheduled for April 22-26, weather permitting.  It’s a milestone in the project that has about two and a half more months of construction. During the paving and roadway marking work, southbound traffic will be detoured via North 143rd Street to Aurora or Greenwood avenues north.

Crews will work from 7 a.m. until 6 p.m. each day to place the top layer of asphalt from North 130th to North 141st streets.

Remaining project work includes roadway striping, more new sidewalks and landscaping work, as well as completion of the cycle track and an artwork installation. Seattle City Light also has work in the area to install street lights. The project calls for a total of 57 new or upgraded street lights along the corridor.

Construction began in June of 2012 and is now complete between North 128th and North 130th streets and between North 143th and North 145th streets. The entire project is on schedule to wrap up by the end of the second quarter.

For more information on the Linden Avenue North Complete Street Project, visit SDOT’s project website,