Broadview Garden Club Plant Sale
Time: 10 – 3
Where: Broadview Thompson School
Address: 13052 Greenwood Avenue North
Selection includes: Perennials, annuals, vegetables, native plants and much more. Experienced gardeners on hand to answer your gardening questions and make planting suggestions.
Organized in September 1951 and remains active in the Broadview Community.
Our mission “is to save and defend from waste our natural resources.”
Our funds support: Bitter Lake P-Patch, Dunn Garden, Domestic Violence Shelter and Broadview Community Outreach Education on Sustainability. Because we believe in the value of early education in gardening, we also support gardening programs at Broadview Thomson and Viewlands Elementary schools.
If you are interested in learning better gardening practices and would like to meet other similar minded gardeners in Broadview join our Garden club.
Contact: Susan George 206.285.2532