Preschool Aids In Children’s Academic Success
The front page of the local news in the Seattle Times today focuses on a proposal to offer preschool education to ALL 3 and 4 year olds in Seattle. I’ve personally seen the benefit a preschool education has had on my own children. It is pretty exciting that this could be a reality for families who haven’t been able to afford this on their own. Broadview has many preschools which offer a range of different preschool experiences.
The Little Farm Preschool, located at 13025 10th Ave NW, is a Waldorf inspired home-based preschool. Children have the opportunity to experience an urban farm, including the 800 sf vegetable garden where they grow some of the food the children eat at meal time, as well as caring for some farm animals.
Christ the King Catholic School, located at 415 North 117th St, offers 2 preschool programs which thoroughly prepare children for Kindergarten. Caritas is a full-day, year-round, Montessori-based preschool program catering to 3-5 year olds. The Early Education Center is a half-day preschool program focusing on learning stations, interactive play, and building the academic blocks necessary for a successful school career. The EEC has a 3-4 preschool class and a 4-5 year old Pre-K class.
Broadview Co-Op located at Grace Lutheran Church 11051 Phinney Ave N. In co-op, you join your child in our classroom one day a week in class, serving as a teacher assistant. Your child has the opportunity to learn in a classroom setting while developing social skills and a positive self-concept by interacting with peers and adults. Parents have the opportunity of seeing their child learn in a classroom setting while learning about child development and tackling parenting issues with the support of our professional parent educators from North Seattle Community College.
Little Farm Preschool
Christ the King Catholic School
Broadview Co-op
Seattle Times News Link
KUOW News Link