Seattle Public Utilities Meeting March 18 on Sewer and Drainage Improvements

Below is an announcement from Seattle Public Utilities.

Dear Broadview Neighbor,

SPU is working to improve the sewer and drainage systems in Broadview. We are currently evaluating sewer improvement alternatives for the 12th Avenue basin in western Broadview. Next we will pair leading sewer improvement alternatives with drainage improvement alternatives for this area, which has the highest frequency of sewer backups in Broadview. We are also concurrently planning for sewer and drainage improvements in southern and eastern Broadview (Dayton Avenue basin). See below for additional details on next steps.

You’re invited to a public meeting on Tuesday, March 18. This will be a joint meeting with the Broadview Community Council at Luther Memorial Church, 13047 Greenwood Avenue N. An informal open house will begin at 6:30 p.m., followed by the council meeting at 7 p.m. At approximately 7:20 p.m. the Broadview Project Team will:

  • Present details about the leading 12th Avenue area sewer alternatives.
  • Outline upcoming project and public involvement opportunities throughout 2014 for this project.
  • Share recent study results including geotechnical study results and priority areas for drainage improvements.

We hope you will able to join us on March 18th. However, if you are unable to attend, here are some other ways you can participate:

Next Steps

In the coming months, we will evaluate the leading alternatives that pair 12th Avenue basin sewer and drainage improvements. During this process there will be a number of opportunities for public input.  We plan to make a decision on 12th Avenue basin sewer and drainage improvements by the end of 2014.

We will be conducting a similar options analysis for sewer and drainage improvements in the Dayton Avenue basin (southern and eastern half of Broadview) starting this year. We anticipate making a decision on improvements in the Dayton basin by mid- 2015. More timeline details for the Dayton Avenue basin options analysis will be available later this year, along with opportunities for public input during this process.

Thank you,

Celia S. Kennedy, Project Manager Broadview Sewer and Drainage Improvement Project 206-409-3651