Seattle Police Dept is shifting the Boundaries

tweets by beat The first time since 2008, the Seattle Police Department is shifting the boundaries of its 51 police beats. The new beats will now more closely reflect Seattle’s census tracts to match officer allocation to the recent growth and shifts in Seattle’s many neighborhoods. The North Precinct will continue to consist of five police sectors: Boy, John, Lincoln, Nora and Union, each sector containing three police beats each.

If you are curious of whether or not your police sector and/or police beat have changed feel free to view the map that I have attached. Alternatively, the Tweets-By-Beat portion of our website also allows you to determine your new police beat.

Many of you may have had the opportunity to work alongside the North Precinct’s Community Police Team (CPT). The role of CPT is to work with the community in dealing with more long term, ongoing neighborhood issues. The boundaries of the CPT Officers have also been altered.   Please review the attached document entitled ‘CPT Numbers’ to determine your CPT Officer.  You will find these names and numbers on the Safety tab on our website.

Please let me know if you have any follow up questions. Thank you for your continual commitment to your community.

Elizabeth Scott

Crime Prevention Coordinator

North Precinct

 10049 College Way N. Seattle, WA 98133

Phone: 206-684-7711