Broadview Bitter Lake Community Meeting Nov 19th
It’s All About Community!
Come hear about all of the Services available in and around our Community from programs offered by our local Police Precinct including how to start a block watch…. to those offered by our local library to what’s going on at our local schools…. both Viewlands Elementary and Broadview Thompson to the happenings at Dunn Gardens as well as the local Food Banks and more….

Bring your questions and let’s support the programs in our Community!
A Time of giving: We are also asking that you Bring Donations for the Food Banks
and for the North Precinct Annual Sock Drive.
If you can’t make the meeting, you drop off donations: Food Donations: Drop off at either North Helpline at 130th and Linden or the Family Works Food Bank at the Salvation Army Seattle Temple Corps at 95th and Greenwood. Sock Drive Dontations: Drop off new socks, hats, gloves and scarves at the north precinct , or contact for a pick-up.
Celebrating: We will also be celebrating the retirement of Gloria Butts as president of the Broadview Historical Society and honoring her for her years of dedication to the Broadview Community. Please come and help us celebrate this special woman! btw: She is looking for someone to take over as president of the Broadview Historical Society. If you love history and would consider carrying on the tradition, please attend the meeting and introduce yourself to her or email us and we can arrange a meeting.
Meeting Details: Meeting Date: Tuesday November 19th Time: Social time starts at 6:30pm with meeting starting at 7pm Place: Broadview United Church of Christ. Entrance in back off the parking lot… ADA ramp available
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