Seattle Dept. of Transportation Pauses Projects

In response to financial impacts related to the COVID-19 crisis, Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is taking immediate action to pause several projects.  Below are excerpts of the news release. The full text of the news release is at this link. The list of paused projects is toward the bottom of the news release.


We are suspending work on enough projects now to address the SDOT revenue shortfall expected for 2020. The possible cost savings in pausing these projects is $58.3 million, or 8% of SDOT’s $739 million adopted budget.

Even as we pause many projects, many critical infrastructure projects will continue.

These include the Lander St Overpass, Martin Luther King Jr Way protected bike lane (north of Rainier), Georgetown to South Park bike facility, Fairview Bridge Replacement, the Northgate Bike and Pedestrian Bridge, Delridge RapidRide H Line, Madison BRT/Rapid Ride G Line, bus lane improvements on Rainier Ave S, Safe Routes to School projects, Green Lake and Wallingford Paving Projects, and others.

We are inspecting and working on plans to stabilize the West Seattle High-Rise Bridge and are putting together a team to deliver a repair or replacement. We are still maintaining our City’s infrastructure through other paving improvements, bridge repairs, tree trimming, planting and landscape maintenance, and signal improvements and the safety of our team and our community will continue to be our number one priority.

We are also continuing to build out a transportation system that enables people of all ages and abilities to bike and walk across the city by making 20 miles of Stay Healthy Streets permanent, and continue to reserve budget for projects as part of our efforts towards quick implementation or advancement of active transportation projects in 2020.