Broadview-Bitter Lake Community Council Meeting Nov. 17

Register in advance for this meeting:
November 17th starting at 7pm, join Broadview Bitter Lake Community Council to hear what is happening in our neighborhoods.
Here is what we have planned.. If you have something you would like to add, please let us know at least a few days before so we can get you on the agenda… (email address is below)
Mary’s Place will give us an update about where they are now and what their current needs are for the season.
N. Helpline will let us know how they are holding up in the pandemic and what their families need.
Viewlands Elementary is excited to tell us about the upcoming construction!
Broadview Elementary will fill us in on virtual learning and their upcoming (hopefully) Spring auction…. (their auctions are sooo much fun!)
There will be time for questions. We look forward to seeing you all again and catching up!
Broadview-Bitter Lake Community Council
Our NEW Website:
Our NEW Email: