Safe Routes to Schools near Aurora
From Aurora Reimagined Coalition
Special Panel Conversation: Safe Routes to Schools near Aurora
How students safely get to and from school is a challenge across the entire city. But for the more than 6,100 children who attend schools near Aurora, transportation safety and accessibility is directly linked to the most dangerous street in Seattle.
These students span the age groups and each group faces a unique set of challenges – whether lack of crosswalks, turning cars, or personal safety while waiting for and riding transit.
November Coalition Meeting
Monday, November 14 – 7:00PM-8:30PM
Get connected with the Aurora Reimagined Coalition and hear updates on our ongoing work to improve the Aurora corridor for everyone!
Dial in by phone: (253) 215-8782 | Meeting ID: 813 6755 3272 | Press *6 to mute and unmute
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