Bitter Lake Reservoir and Park Improvement Projects Update 10/25/24

What’s next for the project?

Through our community engagement efforts, we understand that maintaining a safe and secure reservoir site is important to you. Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) crews will be working at Linden Ave N between N138th St and N143rd St next week to prune the vegetation and remove some red osier dogwood to create better sightlines for pedestrians. This work will not impact the drainage function of the swales at this location. The initial trimming work will take about 1 week to complete, and the trimmings will be removed within 2 weeks of the work.  

One Seattle 

The Bitter Lake Reservoir site is a 13-acre property that contains a 21-million-gallon reservoir, a playground, a P-Patch community garden, and about 4 acres of open space. SPU is replacing the existing reservoir with a new, partially buried reservoir that will protect drinking water and preserve water service for years to come. This will open up more space for SPR and ARTS to expand and add to the existing park with new amenities and public art for the community to enjoy. 

SPU, SPR, ARTS, and DON are working together to make the Bitter Lake Reservoir site a favorite destination in the neighborhood! The new site design will feature: 

  • A new reservoir that improves water security, stormwater systems, and community gathering spaces 
  • More open public space, with new park features for the community to enjoy 
  • Permanent public art that represents and enriches the community 

Questions about the projects? We want to hear from you! 

Reservoir Project Andrew Karch | | (206) 684-4643  

Park Project Kevin Bergsrud | (206) 684-5831  

Public Art Rebecca Johnson Rende | (206) 755-5220  

P-Patch Garden Alicia Choi | (206) 376-2539   

Have a neighbor who might like to receive updates? Please forward them this message and encourage them to sign up for project email updates. 

Visit the project website