Open house for the N 130th Bitter Lake to Haller Lake Project

SDOT is in the early design phase for the N 130th Bitter Lake to Haller Lake Project. They are hosting a drop-in session where you can learn more and share feedback:

  • WHEN: Tuesday, February 4 from 4 – 7 PM
  • WHERE: Bitter Lake Community Center (13035 Linden Ave N)

You can also take a survey.

According to SDOT the improvements are designed to create connections to the future Pinehurst light rail station at 130th, scheduled to open in 2026, and improve safety and bus reliability.

Potential road configurations are shown on the project webpage. Project elements include road paving to support increased bus service, a new street design with a center turn lane and one vehicle lane in each direction in most areas, new crossings, upgraded and relocated bus stops, protected bike lanes, improved sidewalks with curbs and accessible curb ramps, planting strips with street trees, and drainage and stormwater improvements.

You can also give your feedback or ask questions about the project by email at